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The LoveBoat

B-litter The LoveBoat pups- December 18th 2016

Our B-litter is one out of Marley and Dixie. It is so much fun to have puppies from your own two dogs! We have four boys and one girl, so again a nice litter of five and again, born naturally.

The pups are from my wonderful combination Dixie and Marley, whom have both been extensively medically screened and they are super healthy. Not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Both dogs have a marvellous back and are free of many hereditary diseases which can be found in their DNA.  

All pups have found a lovely new family.

When you’d like to have a puppy from one of my future litters, it’s best if you’d subscribe to my newsletter (at the bottom of this page), and fill out our questionnaire. When I’m expecting a litter, I will use the newsletter to ask people who would like a puppy from that combination and together with the questionnaires, I will select the people for the waiting list, of course only after we have personally met. It’s is of course also important for you to know where your puppy comes from and how we treat our dogs (and their future owners).

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